[FAIL] *** dm02dbadm01: Stale map files found in /etc/oracle/maps. You may need to remove the stale map files to avoid the cluster start up issues – Refer the confluence page for more details

— sprawdzamy kiedy byl ostatni boot crs-a (na wszystkich nodach)

cat /u01/app/grid/diag/crs/dm02dbadm0*/crs/trace/alert.log | grep 'CRS-1301′ | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1,$2,$3}’

— szukamy plików z ostatnim accessem wczesniejszym niz data wyzej czyli boot-a crs-a (mozna find z atime, albo stat)

[root@dm02dbadm01 maps]# ls -latr –time-style=long /etc/oracle/maps/
total 44
-rwxrw—- 1 grid oinstall 0 2020-10-20 19:28 gipcds_gipc_diag_b026c96e3249ff41ff85063dfaaa7e0e_dm02dbadm01_lock
-rw-r—– 1 grid oinstall 66304 2020-10-21 06:14 gipcds_gipc_diag_b026c96e3249ff41ff85063dfaaa7e0e_dm02dbadm01-0000000000
-rwxrw—- 1 grid oinstall 0 2021-01-29 00:25 gipcDS_dm02dbadm01_gipcd_b026c96e3249ff41ff8